How to Install Dotnet Framework 1.1 in Windows 7
When I installed Windows 7 beta version on my laptop, it was a relief as i was fed up with vista. The first problem popped while I tried to install Daemon Tools. ( For people who still have problem installing Daemon Tools, try installing Virtual Clone Drive. It seems Daemon Tools dont have support for beta editions.) The next problem arose when I tried to install dotnet framework 1.1. When I tried doing that, the following error showed up. If user click “OK’, the installation of .NET 1.1 will be cancelled, while clicking “CANCEL” produces another error message similar to below: RegSvcs.exe - No debugger found Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0×2 (s). Please check settings. cardbg.exe !a 9×8e Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1(Service Pack 1) has resolved the issue. However, Microsoft does not provide download to standalone .NET Framework 1.1 installer that integrated with ...