How to Defragment Your Disk Drive Volumes in Win Xp

Method 1: Use the Properties of Your Local Disk
1. Open My Computer.
2. Right-click the local disk volume (that you want to defragment), and then click Properties.
3. On the Tools tab, click Defragment Now.
4. Click Defragment.
Method 2: Use Computer Management MMC
1. Start Computer Management MMC (goto run->Compmgmt.msc).
2. Click Disk Defragmenter.
3. Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.
Method 3: Use Disk Defragmenter MMC.
1. Start Disk Defragmenter MMC (goto run-> Dfrg.msc).
2. Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.
The version of Disk Defragmenter MMC that is included with Windows XP has the following limitations:
• It can defragment only local volumes.
• It can defragment only one volume at a time.
• It cannot defragment one volume while it is scanning another.
• It cannot be scheduled. If you need to schedule disk defragmentation, use the Defrag.exe command line tool. 
• It can run only one MMC snap-in at a time.


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